Video production. It's too expensive.
In preparation for an educational workshop I am doing this month for our local Chamber of Commerce, I have really been thinking about the reasons why people choose to opt out of investing in video content for their business. The biggest reason that I hear often is that “it’s too expensive”.
And yeah, especially now with inflation the way it is, things cost money - a lot of money sometimes. Video production is no exception. I don’t hide behind a veil of trickery or deception to try and convince people otherwise. After having done this for 10+ years, I have had the price conversation hundreds of times. People know they need video content for their website and social media, but when presented with the numbers, it seems overwhelming and unattainable. I get it, I really do.
But let me paint a quick picture for you (while also giving away a little bit of what I’ll be sharing at this workshop if you miss it). If we (current businesses) don’t invest in video now, we are truly shooting ourselves in the foot. Maybe not now, maybe not near future, but eventually. You see, video isn’t just about advertising our products and services to the consumer, no, the bigger picture here is that we’re drawing the attention of our future workforce. The next generation of hires has been immersed in video content their entire lives and if we don’t grab their attention, something else will. We can roll our eyes and shake our heads all we want, but this is the new reality.
It’s June 2022 and we are in an employment crisis, people just don’t want to work. If we’re not enticing and drawing our future hires in by telling them “why” they should work for us, or “what” makes us so unique as a company, then what’s pushing them to want to work for us? Nothing, that’s the answer.
It’s your turn to tell your story. Tell people what makes you the most kick butt company to work for. But don’t just tell them, show them. Invest the capital into presenting yourself beautifully and effectively to the world. It’ll be worth it.