Thank you, 2020!

Sounds like a strange thing to say, huh?

Well, to tell you the truth, 2020 was the best year of business that I’ve [Mike] ever had. I have been in the video industry for nearly 10 years and obviously encountered nothing quite like what 2020 had in store, but I will say one thing - that I am really glad that I focused in on connecting with you [our amazing clients] and really made things work, even when it seemed like things wouldn’t work.

You are what drives me to do what I do every day. You are who I work hard for, to create amazing content, to essentially drive sales and make you more money. You are the greatest asset that CARET has, and I am grateful for you.

I would like to thank each of you for sticking through what the ups and downs and for always trusting in us, no matter the uncertainty of the world. I hope and pray that you experience an amazing 2021, and I think we’re all praying for it to be just a little different.

You are awesome. Never forget that!

Mike Myers // Owner


Video production. It's too expensive.


Pivot versus Panic. COVID-19 can't stop us.