Pivot versus Panic. COVID-19 can't stop us.

Unless you’re living under a rock (which may actually be beneficial these days) you’ve no doubt been inundated with COVID-19 and Corona Virus content - like a proverbial face slap from the media. Literally everywhere I turn, someone is saying something, good or bad, about this. People say panic, others say don’t. They say that businesses and the economy will be affected tremendously by this - perhaps. With so many universities shutting classes down, major sports going on hiatus, huge conferences and seminars canceled, there is no doubt this will affect local economies and the pockets of small and large business owners.

But what if we looked at this differently? What if instead of panicking we pivoted our business model? Even for a short time. If we’re a retail store and people don’t want to come into our store, should we wallow in self pity? A little, maybe, but you could also set up an e-commerce store. If you’re a large conference that suddenly has no attendees, should you cancel? Maybe, but perhaps you could live-stream the event or record sessions and publish them later.

There will no doubt be panic and avoidance in the coming days. Economies may suffer, but I firmly believe there is a solution to many of these problems. Caret wants to partner with you and your business to pivot how your business may operate for the next few weeks or months - let us help you hash out some solutions. Maybe your business moves strictly to a digital space, whatever it looks like, the possibilities are nearly endless.

Connect with us today!


Thank you, 2020!


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